Jeanie from Charcoal House reported to work on Monday after spending the weekend on the ranch branding her family’s Cattle out in the sun. Her arms were sun-burnt and tender to the touch after a long day’s work, not to mention physically exhausted from checking the cattle over during the process of branding. Coming inside for the day and longing for relief, it dawned on her, since activated charcoal is used for many first aid applications, such as burns and wounds of various types, why not use it for her sunburn…. But how? Activated Charcoal Soak Being that her whole body was fatigued, Jeanie figured it made the most sense […]
Read MoreCategory: Everything Activated Charcoal
Everything you want to know in your search for information on Activated Charcoal & Activated Carbon. From real life stories, to how to do it yourself & research
Activated Charcoal Salve for Shingles
“I am AMAZED by how it has diminished the healing time for my shingle!” Robin 2020 Robin excitedly wrote in to tell us of her latest charcoal testimony. Periodically she has shingle outbreaks and until recently she was unaware of what an amazing natural remedy activated charcoal is. Her last shingle flare up was in March of 2018 and it took a total of 6 weeks to fully heal and the pain was tremendous. (See pictures below) This time when Robin got a shingle, she decided to take quick action. She placed our Charcoal Salve Stick all over the affected area and covered it with a band-aid. Putting the salve […]
Read MoreActivated Charcoal for the Home
Here at Charcoal House we strive to provide the most diverse line of activated charcoal products world wide. We are on a mission to spread the many benefits of this Super Natural remedy for you, your HOME, your animals, and your gardens. Our HOME line carries a wide variety of air, water, and odor purification products. In this blog we will cover the many uses of our most popular activated charcoal odor control products. Pure Non-Scents – Total Odor Control “A thousand applications today, a thousand and one tomorrow” -From Pure Non-Scents Total Odor Control can be used in countless odor removal applications. Made from 100% Virgin Coconut Shell, […]
Read MoreCharcoal Salve Stick for Life’s Little Emergencies
Activated Charcoal, it Removes the Sting out of Stings Jordan was having a fun Summer day with Grandma at the pool when suddenly she and a couple of friends got stung by an elusive bug! Without knowing what it was she ran to Grandma for aid. Luckily, Grandma had Charcoal House’s Charcoal Salve Stick in her purse and generously used it on the sore, swollen bites. Soon, the whistle blew and they jumped back into the water. Amazingly, the charcoal salve stayed in place while they swam the day away. “When we think of “Nature”, the picture that comes to mind is often colored by our experiences. It might be […]
Read MoreMy home is in my Mother’s Eyes…
Mother’s Day is on its Way! Mary Engelbreit is to whom we credit for the title of this article, and I for one couldn’t agree more. My mother is, next to my relationship with God, the one person I can rely on most to always seek comfort in and that I have faith in to always stand by me. In this life I am blessed beyond measure to feel the love and devotion of a mother. On this Mother’s Day be sure to make the special mothers in your life feel the appreciation they deserve. Here at Charcoal House we created a couple of amazing Mother’s Day Gift Sets with […]
Read MoreCarboCloth Face Masks: Question and Answer.
Question: We own four vented Charcoal House-CarboCloth masks. I’m confused about their durability. Once a package is opened how many uses for short visits to a store or public place can the mask take before I should replace it? In Hospital Settings In hospital settings we say that the mask is good for one eight-hour shift. For Non-hospital Settings The mask is good for 80 ‘wearing hours’, as you stay in normal air conditions. If you were in areas such as northern California when they were having tremendous fires, it would possibly not work that long if you were in heavy forest fire smoke. In that type of situation, you […]
Read MoreSimple & Easy Health Tips To Stave Off Coronaviruses
Hygiene, the first and most basic defense for warding off unwanted bugs, toxins and viruses. Can Simple Hand Washing be a Preventative? Here is a tip from a research doctor that he shared with me years ago at a church potluck. We all know to wash our hands before we eat and after we use the restroom. But did you know, that it is extremely important to wash your hands BEFORE you use the restroom? Hmmm, think about it for a few seconds and now you know why. Who knows what you have been touching? Proper Hygiene Keeps Us All Safe Little babies and children depend on us to keep […]
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