Question: I have (amalgam) metal dental fillings in my teeth from the seventies. Is activated charcoal safe to brush with? ~Jermaine Answer: Yes, it is! Activated charcoal can actually adsorb mercury and once it has adsorbed a toxin, it will not let it go unless it reaches extremely high temps, such as 600 or more degrees celsius. Also, activated charcoal powder, or at least our activated charcoal powder, such as the Detox & Cleanse (USP grade, made from organic coconut shell) or the Ultra Fine Culinary is less abrasive than the leading toothpastes, if that was your concern as well. The very best charcoal for brushing teeth that have mercury amalgams, […]
Read MoreCategory: For Skin, Teeth and Eyes
How to use activated charcoal & charcoal products for teeth whitening, oral health, eye health & more
Charcoal Salve Stick for Wasp Sting in 7 month old
Natural Wasp Sting Relief Testimonial. Winter is setting in upon NW Nebraska and this means the usual bugs and critters are getting a little lethargic in the cold weather. It is not uncommon to find a stray wasp slowly working its way up a wall or across the floor in our home. What is not so common is to find them stinging your 7-month-old daughter while she is eating in her high chair. My wife exclaimed that a wasp had stung our baby girl This is exactly what happened a few days ago. I heard a blood-curdling scream from my 7-month-old daughter and ran into the kitchen. My wife exclaimed that a wasp […]
Read MoreTeeth Extraction and Using Activated Charcoal
Using Activated Charcoal after teeth extraction. Hi, Is it safe/beneficial to brush with activated charcoal after a tooth extraction? I’ve had two bottom left molars extracted two weeks ago. There are still holes… Thanks! Marie Hi Marie. Yes, it would be safe to use the charcoal after an extraction, in fact I have! It really helped heal the wound quickly. I didn’t just brush with the charcoal, but made a little putty with activated charcoal and psyllium seed husk powder and placed it right where the tooth had been pulled and it worked like a charm. Also, you can make a mixture of charcoal powder and ground flax-seed and […]
Read MoreHave peace of mind with our Charcoal Salve Stick
Charcoal Salve Stick for Bug Bites. Introducing our new and improved Charcoal Salve Stick formula and new larger size that are fun, easy to use and really work fast! P.s….an even larger size that is over two ounces is coming soon! Our newly improved fun and easy to use Charcoal Salve Sticks are excellent for soothing itchy insect bites and a must to have on hand to combat the dreaded tick or brown recluse bites. They are also ideal for bee stings and I personally have witnessed our charcoal being applied to a teen that was stung by a bee, who normally goes into anaphylactic shock, and did not as we […]
Read MoreDoes activated charcoal help hair loss?
Thinning hair and activated charcoal. Q: I am 82 years old and my hair is getting so “thin” I have never had thick hair however it is getting increasingly thinner and I am wondering if activated charcoal could offer any help for this condition? A: Hi Virginia. Off the cuff, I would say that I have not heard of charcoal used for ‘hair thickening.’ However, it doesn’t mean that it might not help, let me ask a few questions and then I will explain further. Do you, or have you dyed your hair? What is your diet like, are you eating healthfully? Are you getting plenty of exercise and pure […]
Read MoreActivated Charcoal for Cold Sores? How?
Using Activated Charcoal for Cold Sores. Cold Sores Question: Hello I’m writing to you because I had read somewhere about activated charcoal being useful against cold sores, amongst other things. I have taken powdered charcoal for years, internally, when I feel poorly or have eaten out at a restaurant and have been unsure how ‘healthy’ the food was. However, I’ve been without cold sores for many years so I’ve never used it for this. I have a rather big cold sore just come up yesterday and I have to be on camera for a presentation, this Thursday. Previously with cold sores, I have used neat lavender essential oil to dry […]
Read MoreYour Charcoal Eye Pad for Macular Degeneration
Charcoal Eye Pad Macular Degeneration Question: HI, I would like to order charcoal eye pad for my mom. She was recently diagnosed with macular degeneration. Do you think if this product will bring her some relief? Also does it contain insert able pad with charcoal or will I have to order it separately.? Thanks. Roman Answer: Hi Roman. We have an amazing testimony where an elderly woman in her late eighties with a very severe case of macular degeneration, used the eye pads and her eye sight improved so much that she is now reading and light gardening again! In other words, yes, I do believe it will give your mother […]
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