Amalgam fillings, is activated charcoal safe to brush with?

Question: I have (amalgam) metal dental fillings in my teeth from the seventies. Is activated charcoal safe to brush with? ~Jermaine Answer: Yes, it is!  Activated charcoal can actually adsorb mercury and once it has adsorbed a toxin, it will not let it go unless it reaches extremely high temps, such as 600 or more degrees celsius. Also, activated charcoal powder, or at least our activated charcoal powder, such as the Detox & Cleanse (USP grade, made from organic coconut shell) or the Ultra Fine Culinary is less abrasive than the leading toothpastes, if that was your concern as well. The very best charcoal for brushing teeth that have mercury amalgams, […]

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Using Activated Charcoal in Microphones to adsorbs toxic sound!

Did you know that activated charcoal has been used for over a century to clear distortion in recording devices, telephones, and speakers? Coconut based charcoal is now used is some of the most sophisticated recording equipment and speakers in the world. Even way back during the great depression era of the 1930’s, when the big swing bands, gospel and blues singers were doing their best to lift folks spirits, microphones had activated charcoal in them to get a ‘cleaner’ sound. We at Charcoal House do not understand the science of using charcoal in microphones, but it does tickle our fancy to think that activated charcoal adsorbs toxic sound! ☺  Below […]

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