Detox Fruit with Activated Charcoal – Produce Wash

100% Natural Produce wash With Activated Charcoal We don’t always have access to fresh organic produce and for some that can greatly influence what they  buy at the markets. You also have to wonder what might be inside all of those chemical based produce washes that you see at the stores. Isn’t the point of washing your produce to get rid of the nasty stuff? Here at charcoal house we have an amazing Super Natural Remedy for detoxing produce. Detox your fruits and vegetables easily with just two ingredients, Charcoal House’s Activated Charcoal Powder and water. This simple and completely natural produce wash can rid your fruits and vegetables of […]

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Activated Charcoal and Athletes

Athletes have to stay on top of their game at all times. Activated charcoal has amazing natural properties to keep everyone’s body working the way it was created to. Whether we are talking about an athlete’s diet or nutrition, training, or anything in between, it’s all considered in keeping them ready to compete. Diet and Nutrition Water purification It is always essential to put the best into our bodies, there is no better substance to keep you hydrated than the purist water. Adding our Detox 1600 by the teaspoon to your water glass or bottle will allow the impurities to be adsorbed and you will gain other benefits from drinking […]

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Charcoal for Heavy Metals that have been in the body for years…

Activated Charcoal For removing heavy metal from the body Question: Hi there, Can activated charcoal get rid of heavy metals and other contaminants that have been in the body for many years? From reading online, I can see the general consensus is it’s good to get something out of your system you just put in a minute ago, and good for temporary relief of gas and what have you, but not much else. what do you think? I also saw that comment you made quoting that study where a particular animal (can’t remember which) showed no loss long-term of essential nutrients, but then doctors and people swear that it does […]

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Taking Detox & Cleanse USP Activated Charcoal Powder Daily

Question: Purchased the Detox & Cleanse USP Activated Charcoal Powder for initially detoxing from vaccinations, but never received the shots. Can this be now used for general use with meals, since its a strong asorbing charcoal then the other food grade use charcoals? -Steve Answer: Yes, of course! I personally use take one to two heaping tablespoons of the Detox 1600 most every evening as my daily maintenance dose. This is also my favorite charcoal for brushing teeth with, but you can use any of the food grade charcoals to do this as well. Not sure what you mean by ‘using for general use with meals?’ If you are concerned […]

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Dogs, Chocolate and Charcoal

Dogs, Chocolate & Activated Charcoal Every year around the holidays there is a high demand for chocolate. We indulge in it, use it for baking and so forth, but although darker chocolates are being touted as health food for people, it is not healthy for dogs. Jill and her husband Jim, just stopped in at Charcoal House the other day to pick up stocking stuffers and she reminded us of how our activated charcoal saved the life of her Cairn Terror.  This little dog ate a huge dark chocolate bar that was 80% cacao. The darker the chocolate the more poisonous it is for dogs.  When Jill discovered what had happened to […]

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Using Activated Charcoal For Scours

Activated Charcoal For Scours (Treating Scours Naturally With Activated Charcoal) Big or little, furry with huge brown eyes or soft supple flesh with bright blue eyes, babies are babies and need special care especially when sick. Upset tummies in infants to toddlers, is known as colic and in calves and other livestock, we call it scours. Whatever you call it, dehydrating diarrhea, shooting pain in the stomach can wreak havoc on the calf or infant and demands quick action or the situation will go from worse to worse. Cattle owners know full well that scours can kill if it is not treated quickly on a new calf. Activated charcoal’s claim […]

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Sale – Super-ize Your Soil for Spring with BioChar Plus

SAVE 10% USE COUPON CODE:SUPER-IZE (Good for all Agricultural Products except Super Sacks) Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus is BACK & ON SALE! A biochar inoculated with beneficial soil microorganisms and enriched substrates, Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus helps bind organic toxins (such as herbicides) from soil to provide a safer environment for new or existing root systems. Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus provides the following plant health benefits: Improved Soil Drainage More Neutral pH Reduced Soil Compaction Increased Nutrient Cycling Greater Retention of Water In Dry Soils Improved Germination Improved Plant Resistance To Fungal Disease, Root Feeding Nematodes and Insect Infestations Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus is made by a team of horticultural professionals that specialize in the production […]

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