Is Activated Charcoal Toothpaste Safe for Daily Use

We put our activated charcoal toothpaste to the test… Due to the mis-information on the safety of activated charcoal toothpaste, and the claims that it can damage the enamel of your teeth, we decided to have our formula tested by an independent laboratory. Watch the video below to see the exciting results!   Get a clean you can see and feel with Charcoal House® Children’s Natural Cherry flavor toothpaste. Our formula is fluoride-free and less abrasive than baking soda making it safe for most dental work. Our formula whitens and brightens teeth naturally and freshens breath on contact. With regular use, it gently removes stains and helps to polish teeth […]

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Could Activated Charcoal Aid in the Treatment of COVID-19?

Could Activated Charcoal Aid in the Treatment of COVID-19? Earlier this year [February 2020] before the Covid-19 really breached American soil, I wrote an article [Activated Charcoal and Microbes – Charcoal and Chemical Biological Warfare] on how Activated Charcoal interacts with various microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. In a nutshell: Microbes produce exo/endo toxins, also known as poisons, which trigger a host of different body responses including fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, inflammation [body swelling], pain, congestion, and more, all in an attempt to diffuse the lethal microbes. Activated charcoal has been found to adsorb and neutralize many of these toxic antigens, thereby short circuiting the biological/chemical war firing up our […]

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Concerned About the Safety of Activated Charcoal Toothpaste?

A Concerned Customer Wrote in to Say: Recently, we received an email from a customer who was alarmed that we were promoting charcoal toothpaste for young children. No doubt that concern was fueled by information circulating on the Internet. Below we have included the complaint, our initial response, plus some further information. A Letter from a Concerned Customer Hello, I was concerned when I saw your website promoting activated charcoal as a toothpaste, especially for use on children. Although charcoal may have some very limited benefits, it is abrasive and chronic use can cause extreme damage to tooth enamel which is impossible to repair. A health-conscious classmate of my wife […]

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Heroin Junkie Detoxes with Activated Charcoal

Discover how a former heroin junkie, used activated charcoal to alleviate his withdrawal symptoms without the need of Methadone How to Quit Heroin the Easy Way Without Methadone. OK, it’s not that easy, but I quit without going through those gnarly withdrawals. So you’re going to say I wasn’t really addicted, right? I was an everyday user for over a year. I was using up to ¾ gram of heroin a day (which is a lot). This was the culmination of a three-year downward spiral from weekend-warrior user to daily user. Once I was in the everyday cycle, I would not go to work unless I could get high in […]

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Activated Charcoal for a Colicky Baby

What does it mean when a baby has Colic? Colic is a condition in which there is severe pain in the abdomen caused by an intestinal obstruction or painful gas and is most commonly seen with babies and/or children. How to calm a baby with Colic? Many soothing techniques that can be found online. Warm wet compresses placed on the tummy. Special Colic carries or holds to aid in passing the discomfort. Pedaling the legs to promote movements. White noise therapy and much more. Follow the link for “8 ways to help a colicky baby” written and published by babycenter.     These techniques have been proven effective to some […]

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Activated Charcoal for Gum Infections

Late last fall I started to notice decay on my canine teeth along the gum line. As an early teen, I was told by my dentist that I had soft teeth and I had to take care of them more diligently than the average bear, but I had become lax in regard to my beverages. I had been drinking kombucha a little too regularly and was quite certain it was the culprit. I immediately quit the kombucha and started researching on what to do for my gums. Vitamin C, Essential Oils, and Charcoal From my research I discovered that I needed a high quality vitamin C and lots of it. […]

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Activated Charcoal for IBS

One of our webmasters emailed us sharing his experience in using Activated Charcoal for IBS. Chris Comes Across an Article that can help his Friend’s Mother with IBS Hey Charcoal Family, I just had a crazy experience that I wanted to share. One of my friends mentioned that his Mom was sick. She had been throwing up for 8 days and on the Sabbath, she was admitted to the ER. Their entire family was a bit distraught. They told me she was diagnosed with IBS on Sunday. Taking Activated Charcoal Internally I happened to be working on the website and I ran into a couple articles on using charcoal […]

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