Does Charcoal Work for Radiation and Chemo?

A dear mother of a young woman with a glioblastoma tumor in her frontal lobe, called this past summer wondering if charcoal would be helpful in counteracting the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. To date, in less than two years, her daughter had undergone two surgeries. The glioblastoma, being the most aggressive brain cancer, the doctors had determined that both chemotherapy and radiation at the same time was needed to control the growth of the tumor after her last surgery. The mother understandably was quite concerned about the effects of the radiation as well as the chemotherapy and asked if the charcoal would be helpful in mitigating the negative […]

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Question: Is there a suggested time frame to space charcoal from other medicines?

Charcoal question answered. Question: Hi, Is there a suggested time frame to space charcoal from other medicines? I’m concerned about the impact the charcoal would have on the medicine in the digestive system at the same time. I’m a big believer in the benefits of charcoal but want to ensure it doesn’t detract from the full impact of necessary medicine. Thank you. Answer:  Hi, this is commonly asked question and a great concern to those that are taking meds. Activated charcoal is designed in such a way that it electrostatically attracts certain chemicals and micro-organisms. As a group, most compounds that are poisonous to the body are attracted to charcoal. […]

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