Charcoal for Heavy Metals that have been in the body for years…

Activated Charcoal For removing heavy metal from body Question: Hi there, Can activated charcoal get rid of heavy metals and other contaminants that have been in the body for many years? From reading online, i can see the general consensus is its good to get something out of your system you just put in a minute ago, and good for temporary relief of gas and what have you, but not much else. what do you think? I also saw that comment you made quoting that study where a particular animal (cant remember which) showed no loss long term of essential nutrients, but then doctors and people swear that it does […]

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header How to store charcoal patches poultices - How to Store Activated Charcoal Patches

How to Store Activated Charcoal Patches

Storing Activated Charcoal Patches (Made with Psyllium Husk Powder) Question: Charcoal Patches How long will any leftovers keep? Where do I store it? Or should I make just enough? -Selena Answer: Hi. When making the charcoal patch, you can store the patches for future use in your freezer of which we recommend using them up within three months. However, if you want to store the gel which is now in the form of a putty, ideally you want to place it in a glass jar with a tight seal and place it in the fridge and it should easily keep for a week. The reason that I say to cover […]

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reactivating charcoal myth or fact header - Do you Recommend Reactivating the Charcoal?

Do you Recommend Reactivating the Charcoal?

Reactivating Charcoal Hi! I just purchased your laminated knitted activated carbon cloth to make smell-proof bags for medical marijuana. How do you recommend reactivating the charcoal and how often? Is it washable? Thank you! -Anne Hi Anne. We get this question a lot, not just about the activated charcoal material but charcoal in general, people want to know how they can reactivate it. Charcoal can be reactivated but only at extremely high temps generally around 600 degrees Celsius plus, or it can be chemically reactivated. There is a myth going around that you can reactivate charcoal by placing it in the sun, this simply is not true. Once the activated […]

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How and When to Take Charcoal - How and When to take Activated Charcoal

How and When to take Activated Charcoal

Taking activated charcoal Question: Hi folks, I think the “intermittent fasting” folks have it right, we are supposed to rest our systems for long periods of time (this is omnivore digestive tract biology). That said, I’m not so sure we are supposed to take charcoal at night because doesn’t it go right to the digestive tract? DO you know if instead it helps at night because the Liver and Kidney are working all the time as you can imagine ;). Thanks for any knowledge you have run across that lines up when to take charcoal. And, we don’t have to take it on an empty stomach, right? Cheers, M Answer: […]

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Taking Detox 1600 Activated Charcoal Daily - Taking Detox & Cleanse USP Activated Charcoal Powder Daily

Taking Detox & Cleanse USP Activated Charcoal Powder Daily

Question: Purchased the Detox & Cleanse USP Activated Charcoal Powder for initially detoxing from vaccinations, but never received the shots. Can this be now used for general use with meals, since its a strong asorbing charcoal then the other food grade use charcoals? -Steve Answer: Yes, of course! I personally use take one to two heaping tablespoons of the Detox 1600 most every evening as my daily maintenance dose. This is also my favorite charcoal for brushing teeth with, but you can use any of the food grade charcoals to do this as well. Not sure what you mean by ‘using for general use with meals?’ If you are concerned […]

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charcoal questions header - Activated charcoal questions with information

Activated charcoal questions with information

Question’s I know nothing about A/C! I had a quick look on the net and it has a lot about face masks and dental info, but little on benefits and then I saw this site! Dumb questions: #1 How long do you take A/C capsules for?  #2 Can people with Gall bladders removed, take it? #3 Are there any precautions required or side effects I should be aware of in taking A/C capsules? #4 Recommended site to go to for info, other than face masks, dental info? Thank you in advance! – Julie Hi Julie! I will forward your questions to Kimberly. In the meantime, we have a LOT information […]

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Dogs Chocolate Charcoal header - Dogs, Chocolate and Charcoal

Dogs, Chocolate and Charcoal

Dogs, Chocolate & Activated Charcoal Every year around the holidays there is a high demand for chocolate. We indulge in it, use it for baking and so forth, but although darker chocolates are being touted as health food for people, it is not healthy for dogs. Jill and her husband Jim, just stopped in at Charcoal House the other day to pick up stocking stuffers and she reminded us of how our activated charcoal saved the life of her Cairn Terror.  This little dog ate a huge dark chocolate bar that was 80% cacao. The darker the chocolate the more poisonous it is for dogs.  When Jill discovered what had happened to […]

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