Coconut Allergies and Activated Charcoal

Coconut allergies? Afraid to use coconut shell charcoal? Charcoal House has you covered, Read on! A customer’s inquiry “Hi. Is any of your activated charcoal free of coconut? I have a coconut allergy and must avoid all. Intended use is for drinking water and note I am especially interested in removing chloramine. Thanks much, Vivian” Response to Allergy Concerns There are a lot of folks that are allergic to coconut. Although many do suffer with coconut allergies, in most cases they can still use the coconut shell activated charcoal. However, some do not even want to take the chance to see if their body reacts to it or not. With […]

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Do Charcoal Poultices REALLY Work?

If horses could talk, Jay would give a resounding “YES!” Here is Phoebe’s story from Belize: WARNING: This article contains some graphic images that may disturb some readers. Discretion is advised. Jay’s Story Our neighbor needed help. A truck had hit his best horse and the veterinarian refused to come see a horse that would soon die. After a suggestion from one of the missionary’s daughters, it was decided to do a charcoal poultice on the horse. The accident had happened many hours before we were able to start treatments. The horse, Jay, had a fever and was not doing well. Jay’s Treatment After cleaning up the large, open wound […]

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Summer Frozen Dog Treat

Activated Charcoal, Apple, Banana, and Peanut Butter Its no surprise that our four legged furry family members love treats just as much as we do. This frozen treat is perfect for settling upset tummies, relieving gas, or just for healthy fun on a hot day. With only 4 ingredients it’s a no brainer to try! Here’s what you’ll need: Ingredients: 2 Large Overripe Bananas 1 Cup Unsweetened Apple Sauce ¼ Cup Peanut Butter 3 Tablespoons VetDtox™ Activated Charcoal Powder Utensils: Mixer or Food Processor Silicone mold or ice cube tray What You’ll Do: Directions: Place the first three ingredients inside the mixer/mixing bowl and mix working up to a […]

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This Vet Doesn’t Horse Around

Snake Bite Treatment Method Dr. Regina of Crawford Companion Animal Clinic in Nebraska doesn’t horse around in regards to treating her patients. When it comes to snake bites she reaches for Charcoal House’s Vet Detox. Here’s why Dr. Regina’s own horse was bit by a rattler on his face, as soon as she discovered it she gave him an anti-venom shot and watched him closely.  He was not improving as well as she had hoped so she paid a visit to Charcoal House and picked up some Vet Detox and some Aloe Vera gel* that Kimberly always keeps on hand for such emergencies. Here’s How Instead of just applying to […]

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Dog Days of Summer!

Did you know that the star Sirius, which is the brightest star in the night sky, is also referred to as the Dog Star because it is part of the constellation Canis Major which is Latin for ‘Great Dog or Big Dog’? According to the Old Farmers Almanac it marks the hottest period of summer from July 3rd to August 11th. Speaking of dogs and summer, don’t forget that our furry best friends get their share of bumps, bruises and insect bites just as we do. From sticker wounds, upset tummies, bad breath, nasty cuts to the dreaded skunk spray, be sure to have our Vet Detox on hand for […]

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Black Thumb, The New Green!

Ah, summer at last, when we all try to take advantage of the great outdoors. Planting, gardening, and other typical yard work is what a lot of us witness going on in our neighborhoods. We all look forward to the gardens bounty because well… nothing beats fresh fruits and vegetables, right? Furthermore, we long for the plush green lawns and the colorful flowers free of weeds and other pesky nuisances. We are taking this opportunity to answer some of your questions we often receive about how charcoal can be used to purify your outdoor spaces and increase your yields, be it a garden or a farm. Why is Charcoal Good […]

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Cooking With Activated Charcoal

Why Use Activated Charcoal in Food? Activated Charcoal is Growing In Popularity The current fad in food experimentation seems to be cooking with activated charcoal.  Activated charcoal used in a daily routine is becoming more common than ever before. Perhaps it’s in your daily supplement routine, used for a cleanse to detoxify your body, or as an aid to whiten teeth and pull impurities from the skin. The point is, the joys of activated charcoal are becoming widely more popular each day because of its diverse abilities and uses. We have all heard the latest crazes about activated charcoal in food. Therefore, it comes as no surprise to see all […]

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