Take your morning routine to the next level, and add our Detox & Cleanse activated charcoal powder. Start the day off right with Charcoal. First, how can you make your morning juice even better? You add our Detox & Cleanse Activated charcoal powder. Simple and easy to do, just add a spoonful to your fresh juice or smoothies and stir, enjoy the benefits of activated charcoal, and start the day off right. Furthermore, you can add Activated charcoal to your routine any time of the day. Check out the slideshow below, for tips on adding charcoal powder to fresh juice. Detox & Cleanse: USP, very high activity medicinal COCONUT […]
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Looking for info on using activated charcoal, powder, granulated, capsules, tablets, filters, & more activated carbon? Find it here
Toxins: Does Charcoal remove toxins at cellular level?
Activated Charcoal question on removing toxins. Cellular Toxins Question: Does Activated Charcoal take toxins at cellular levels, ie from all the systems and not just inside the digestive system? thank you Answer: Good question, of which the answer is yes! Activated charcoal is simply amazing. When applied topically, such as with a poultice, or as a gel, or cream where you apply it directly to the skin, activated charcoal can adsorb toxins from deep tissue. In our most recent newsletter we share the story with pictures of a horse that had been bitten by a brown recluse spider. The wound did not respond to the antibiotics and was getting so bad you could […]
Read MoreCharcoal and Charcoal soap for sores and stings
Laura, missionary in the Philippines makes charcoal soap for her hubby’s skin sores……. Sores: Experimenting with making charcoal soap! Can’t wait to try it after it cures. My husband Bill is covered with sores that I think are heat-related (Kinda looks like Job with his shirt off!), and I want to use this on him. Thank you again SO much!! Laura. Thank you so much for sharing!!! Hi Laura, very cool looking soaps that you made. We love the charcoal soap too! 🙂 I had a very itchy and large bug bite on me this morning and as soon as I rubbed our charcoal soap on it, the itchiness stopped […]
Read MoreActivated Charcoal for Cold Sores? How?
Using Activated Charcoal for Cold Sores. Cold Sores Question: Hello I’m writing to you because I had read somewhere about activated charcoal being useful against cold sores, amongst other things. I have taken powdered charcoal for years, internally, when I feel poorly or have eaten out at a restaurant and have been unsure how ‘healthy’ the food was. However, I’ve been without cold sores for many years so I’ve never used it for this. I have a rather big cold sore just come up yesterday and I have to be on camera for a presentation, this Thursday. Previously with cold sores, I have used neat lavender essential oil to dry […]
Read MoreNewsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This?
Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This? Activated Charcoal Newsletter: 1000 applications today, a 1001 tomorrow! This quote from the book CharcoalRemedies.com has certainly come true. Activated Charcoal is now having its day in the sun, where many companies and entrepreneurs are seeing the value of this humble remedy, which is truly super natural. YOU’LL FIND WHAT YOU NEED HERE! From facial masks, toothpaste, tooth powder, acne cream and soaps, from capsules, to tablets and detox drinks and juices. Why all this sudden attention? Not only is activated charcoal a super natural remedy, it actually works super well! And oftentimes it works quite quickly such as a quick remedy for an upset tummy for a colicky baby or perhaps […]
Read MoreUsing Charcoal Poultice for Lymphoma swelling?
Charcoal Poultice for Lymphoma swelling. Lymphoma Question: My father had surgery related to cancer and had to have lymph nodes removed under his arm. After it has caused a lot of swelling of his entire arm. After reading your book I began to wonder if a charcoal poultice might be helpful in relieving the swelling. But I was concerned that there could be a concern because he is diabetic. What do you think? Thanks Amy Answer: Hi Amy. Applying a charcoal poultice to the affected swelling area sounds like it would be very beneficial and as long as he is not taking the charcoal internally, it will not mess with […]
Read MoreWhat our customers are Saying – Our Hardwood Charcoal Powder
What buyers are saying about our Hardwood Activated Charcoal powder Hardwood Activated Charcoal Powder – Food Grade 10 oz. Bath time 5 stars: Yes this works good for me I can use it in the bath tub for a charcoal bath and also to make a poultice to heal cuts and sores on the body and taking it internally as an antacid to get rid of upset stomach and heartburn and diarrhea and to detox the large and small intestines. And their are many other uses for charcoal. Say if your pet eats something wrong charcoal will neutralize it just like that. It the same for food poisoning for humans or […]
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