Charcoal Salve Stick for Wasp Sting in 7 month old

Natural Wasp Sting Relief Testimonial. Winter is setting in upon NW Nebraska and this means the usual bugs and critters are getting a little lethargic in the cold weather.  It is not uncommon to find a stray wasp slowly working its way up a wall or across the floor in our home.  What is not so common is to find them stinging your 7-month-old daughter while she is eating in her high chair. My wife exclaimed that a wasp had stung our baby girl This is exactly what happened a few days ago.  I heard a blood-curdling scream from my 7-month-old daughter and ran into the kitchen.  My wife exclaimed that a wasp […]

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Charcoal to Remove Color from Plants & Extracts

looking for a natural activated carbon to remove color from my plants and natural extracts   Question: I am looking for a natural activated carbon to remove color from my plants and natural extracts. Can you recommend which one would work? Thanks Andrea —-  Answer: Hi Andrea. We would recommend this particular hardwood activated charcoal powder, this is just pure carbon, food grade, nothing else added. We have a video on using charcoal to remove color, the video is below. The hardwood powder is also used for removing color from juices and wine and can be used industrially to remove unwanted odors and colors from supplements and pharmaceutical medications. Let me know if […]

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Teeth Extraction and Using Activated Charcoal

Using Activated Charcoal after teeth extraction. Hi, Is it safe/beneficial to brush with activated charcoal after a tooth extraction? I’ve had two bottom left molars extracted two weeks ago. There are still holes… Thanks! Marie Hi Marie. Yes, it would be safe to use the charcoal after an extraction, in fact I have!  It really helped heal the wound quickly.   I didn’t just brush with the charcoal, but made a little putty with activated charcoal and psyllium seed husk powder and placed it right where the tooth had been pulled and it worked like a charm. Also, you can make a mixture of charcoal powder and ground flax-seed and […]

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Activated Charcoal for Hemorrhoid Discomfort

Hemorrhoids Discomfort Question: Hi there I recently found your site and I would like to know how to help a problem with gas in the lower stomach. I week ago I had a relatively new form of hemorrhoidal surgery and after was taking both green juice and water Melon juice not to get constipated but I am now suffering from terrible gas I have some capsules with me (activated charcoal) but is it usual to take charcoal for this ? I will also phone you and have you advice on  which of the charcoal to buy from you and buy your book Do you ship to Barbados also? thank you […]

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Pure Non-Scents Stops Skunk Odor

Skunk Odor The skunk was hit right out on the highway in front of Charcoal House, and it was stinking to high heaven.  The highway crew threw him in the ditch. Pure Non-Scents® to the resue. We went out with Pure Non-Scents® and covered the skunk which was swarming with flies and the smell disappeared immediately.  Then I covered the area where he was hit on the highway, I did not need much PNS to get rid of the smell there. Our new employee was impressed and everyone else inside the offices where the windows were opened could tell the difference immediately. Pure Non-Scents to the rescue, stink no more!   Follow us […]

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Does Activated Charcoal Adsorb Minerals & Vitamins?

Activated Charcoal: Vitamins and Minerals. Question: Hi, I bought from your company several months ago 12 oz of activated charcoal powder Detox 1600 USP. And have almost used it all up.My son recently looked up on google and read some of the bad press on consuming activated charcoal.As you well know, there is a lot.So I have questions:– Does activated charcoal adsorb minerals and natural vitamins and if definitely not, please provide proof from third party researchers preferably PHD’s.– I have biotoxin illness rather acutely and am on a very strict diet prescribed by “Jennifer” maintainer of the “Surviving Toxic Mold” website. She recommends ingesting charcoal as a detox to be […]

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Using Activated Charcoal in Microphones to adsorbs toxic sound!

Did you know that activated charcoal has been used for over a century to clear distortion in recording devices, telephones, and speakers? Coconut based charcoal is now used is some of the most sophisticated recording equipment and speakers in the world. Even way back during the great depression era of the 1930’s, when the big swing bands, gospel and blues singers were doing their best to lift folks spirits, microphones had activated charcoal in them to get a ‘cleaner’ sound. We at Charcoal House do not understand the science of using charcoal in microphones, but it does tickle our fancy to think that activated charcoal adsorbs toxic sound! ☺  Below […]

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