Dehydration and Constipation
My friends daughter (8) is given activated charcoal daily- sometimes 3-5 pills at a time. But they make her dehydrated and constipated. Is this normal?
Yes, that is quite a typical reaction to taking activated charcoal. The only way around it besides obviously keeping the child well hydrated is to be consistent with how much she is given and ideally, taking it at the same time each day.
Years ago I discovered along with a lot of our customers that if you take activated charcoal long term on a daily basis that the first week for most people they will struggle with constipation, of which a simple natural laxative will usually take care of it. Then into the next week the body will often begin to acclimate to the charcoal powder in the gut and for most people who do not have any bowel diseases the charcoal actually helps start regulating the body and they often have better elimination and yes of course the stools will be black. Those who do have adverse bowel conditions and choose to use charcoal often will take the charcoal powder mixed with a high quality olive oil and just eat it with a spoon, which you could do with anyone who is prone to constipation.

However, if you take the charcoal sporadically as needed, constipation will often occur in individuals that are not well hydrated which is most of the North American population. I myself take approximately two tablespoons every night in a small amount of warm water instead the recommended eight to 12 ounces as my body is totally acclimated to taking large quantities on a daily basis. If I would stop taking the charcoal for a couple of weeks or more and then go back on my daily regimen, I too would experience the constipation and would have to increase my fluid intake to overcome it. If I were to take a small amount, it probably would not affect me, but I am an adult and a child’s body being much smaller it is not surprising that constipation would result.
Also, a little tip to keep oneself regular with or without taking charcoal powder is to drink warm, not hot, pure water upon rising, this is very beneficial to moving the bowels as well.
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