Q and A: Information on Using Activated Charcoal for Snake Bites

Hi Mr. John Dinsley, I enjoyed your book, videos, and spent hours going thru your website.  Your information has thus far been the most informative, best researched, and most logical of all sites I have scoured thru pertaining to activated charcoal. I have spent numerous hours googling medical journals, clinical trials, and websites on this subject. My name is Dawn.  I am a California native, world traveler, now residing in South Africa.  I have used activated charcoal for many years for food poisoning and other travel related issues…  But I only recently learned it treats snake bites.  I was prompted to research antidotes due to my environment. Within the last […]

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Activated Charcoal for snake bites research

Charcoal question answered. Question: Activated Charcoal for snake bites Are you able to direct me to any professional references for this use? I use activated charcoal extensively but would like to see a reference or two. Thank you sincerely, Dr Frank Answer: Hello Dr Frank Thank you for contacting us. While we have numerous testimonies of the use of activated charcoal (AC) for poisonous snake bites, actual studies are strangely missing. I do have one in my book for cobra venom. CharcoalRemedies.com The Complete Handbook p.122 In one experiment, one hundred times the lethal dose of Cobra venom was mixed with charcoal and injected into a laboratory animal. The animal […]

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