Home Remedies Demonstration Videos These videos include simple treatments that use materials that can be found in every home. Charcoal Poultices, a Hot Foot Bath, Heating Compresses, Steam Inhalation, Hot Packs, Fomentations, and a simple Light Treatment, are some of the simple home remedies you can use effectively for many common ailments without resorting to poisonous drugs. Check out all our videos over at CharcoalRemedies.com Go here to our Home Remedies Demonstration Videos page and you can watch videos on the subjects: Light Treatment for Sinus Problems and Throbbing Ear Ache Heating Compress for Sore Throat Hot Fomentations Hot Foot Bath pt. 1 Hot Foot Bath pt. 2 Full Fever Treatment […]
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Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with Activated Charcoal (Real Story)
Testimonial on using Activated Charcoal for IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome) My elderly mom (81 years) was struggling from IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome) caused by chronic medication side effects. She had a scope and a scan – Specialists and her GP could not help her acute pain and suffering. After almost 8 months as a last resort, we thought what about trying Activated Charcoal. I’d used it mainly for runny tummies, or poultices for bites or abscesses. We gave my mom 5ml [1 tsp] charcoal powder in a glass of water and within a day she had relief – no gas, no pain! Her bowel movements normalized and for the first […]
Read MoreInformation on Activated Charcoal for Health and More
Thank you: I write to thank you for your website and the valuable information displayed there. I was mesmerized, captivated, and educated. I consider myself a fairly educated person with a well-rounded understanding of common medical helps and remedies. I was proven wrong in quick fashion by reading the information on your site and doing some additional research. What I learned will be quickly passed on to a dear friend in Guyana and to friends in Peru. How I wish I had known this information years ago! Rest assured that your efforts are not in vain. They will be the fuel for the fire of knowledge which will long burn […]
Read MoreVideo: How To Make an Activated Charcoal Poultice
How To Make an Activated Charcoal Poultice by Charcoal House LLC Kimberly of BuyActivatedCharcoal.com demonstrates how to make a charcoal poultice with ground flax seed in the below video. For more videos from Buyactivatedcharcoal.com click here 2 Tablespoons of charcoal powder ¼ cup of water 2 Tablespoons of ground flax seed Paper Towel / Cloth Plastic / Food Wrap Bandage wrap or strips of cloth and safety pin Buy Activated charcoal powder on Amazon: (affiliate) Detox 1600 coconut shell activated charcoal powder, Hardwood activated charcoal powder, Bamboo activated charcoal powder
Read MoreCharcoal for Bee Stings
Summer is here! Barbecues, picnics, hikes, swimming, and bug bites. Be sure to have your charcoal handy, it should be in all your first aide kits. Our charcoal salve either in a stick or tin is ideal to have on you ‘as soon as you notice you are bitten.’ The charcoal will adsorb the toxin before it has a chance to get into your blood stream. Remember, you can use too little of charcoal salve, but you cannot use too much, be generous when applying to nasty bites. We recently had a call from a woman who wanted to share about her brother-n-law who is a bee keeper, who had […]
Read MoreQ and A: 11 year old Staffordshire that has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer.
Question: Hi, I’m a firm believer in activated charcoal We just cured our dog of bad diarrhea with Charcoal and I believe any stomach problems can be cured with Charcoal. My sister in law has an 11 year old staffie. He has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer. She has him on a raw diet and using esiac tea and other herbal remedies but his stool is now runny and bright yellow. He is also reluctant to eat anything. I know charcoal will help but I’m not sure how to use it or give it to him. Does he take it internally or should we do a poultice over […]
Read MoreFollow up: Activated Charcoal poultices for Eyes (MCS – Multiple Chemical Sensitivities)
Your stories, real life using activated charcoal. This is a follow up post to go with the blog post Activated Charcoal poultices for Eyes where Wendy shared her story with us, she has MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) so make sure to go check out that blog post as well. In the first response below she explains her routine, in her second response below she describes more info on her eyes changing color that is mentioned in the first blog post. So this blog post has the follow up from Wendy in 2 different responses for us to share with you. We thank Wendy for not only sharing her info but the fact she […]
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