Charcoal for Heavy Metals that have been in the body for years…

Activated Charcoal For removing heavy metal from the body Question: Hi there, Can activated charcoal get rid of heavy metals and other contaminants that have been in the body for many years? From reading online, I can see the general consensus is it’s good to get something out of your system you just put in a minute ago, and good for temporary relief of gas and what have you, but not much else. what do you think? I also saw that comment you made quoting that study where a particular animal (can’t remember which) showed no loss long-term of essential nutrients, but then doctors and people swear that it does […]

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Activated charcoal to remove Fungus from the body

Using Activated charcoal to remove Fungus, Candida, Mold from the body. Fungus Question: What about mold in the body? Will Activated Charcoal remove mold (fungus) from the body? – Pamela Answer: Hi Pamela. Activated charcoal is anti fungal and anti bacterial.  Mold is a fungus and when referring to the external body we often refer to it as a skin fungus and the most common internal fungal condition that plagues humankind is known as candida. I am going to assume that you are referring to candida?  On our info website,, you will find an article from the book Charcoal ‘The Complete Handbook of Medicinal Charcoal and Its Applications‘, […]

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