Question: Hi, Which charcoal would you recommend for fridge odor removal? More specifically it will need to be placed in a breathable plastic container. Many Thanks, Rosie Answer: Hi Rosie, We would recommend The Pure NonScents, you can also put it in the provided sachet bags. Kimberly Question: Hi Kimberly, Thanks for the reply, this looks more like a powder? Is this the size you would recommend is the most effective, in comparison to larger granular sizes? I’m assuming the bags don’t allow any of the charcoal to come out? Many Thanks, Rosie Answer: Hi Rosie. As to your question as to the effectiveness. Yes, they will both work, but the Pure NonScents […]
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Q and A: Using Activated Charcoal for Kidney Disease, Pain, Infection and more
Question: Hi, do you have any information/links on using activated charcoal for kidney health, kidney disease, pain in kidney’s, kidney infection & other issues with kidney’s? -David Answer: Hi David. You can find charcoal testimonies for kidneys on our site charcoalremedies such as this one on kidney disease. Here is Dr. Clark’s testimony of a patient he had with Diabetes & Kidney Failure. Here is an interesting testimony on kidney disease (and other ailments) from elderly man who reversed his stage 4 kidney disease and took his GFR (a test to ascertain your kidney function) from 27 (not good) to 42 in a few short months. Buchu leaf tea is also extremely […]
Read MoreQ and A: Charcoal powder for juice bars
Question: Hi Kimberly! We need AC to blend in with our alkaline water products, so the powder has to be easily resolved in water. What kind of AC powder do you recommend to use in such products? What defines the charcoal to be used in such products? Kindly regards, Pablo Answer: Hi Pablo. Activated charcoal is not soluble, meaning that it does not dissolve in water (even though it looks like it when well mixed) it is only suspended, which means that it will eventually sink to the bottom of the cup or jar. Our Coconut Activated Charcoal Ultra Fine Powder can be purchased in larger amounts and is the most popular […]
Read MoreQ and A: Taking Activated charcoal while taking Medication for Epilepsy
Question: Hi, My husband takes tegratol, which controls his epilepsy. is there any way possible he can use AC with his condition? he can NOT have a seizure or he will lose his driver’s license. TIA Answer: Hi, I am not familiar with all the various medications. There are a number of meds that people take only once a day. These meds are reabsorbed into the bowels and then they release throughout the day. Charcoal goes in the mouth and out the other end and would most likely make such a med of non-effect. The best person to ask would be your pharmacist who knows the drug, but my personal response […]
Read MoreTreating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with Activated Charcoal (Real Story)
Testimonial on using Activated Charcoal for IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome) My elderly mom (81 years) was struggling from IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome) caused by chronic medication side effects. She had a scope and a scan – Specialists and her GP could not help her acute pain and suffering. After almost 8 months as a last resort, we thought what about trying Activated Charcoal. I’d used it mainly for runny tummies, or poultices for bites or abscesses. We gave my mom 5ml [1 tsp] charcoal powder in a glass of water and within a day she had relief – no gas, no pain! Her bowel movements normalized and for the first […]
Read MoreQ and A: How to remove charcoal from shoes and clothes?
Question: What can I use to get charcoal off my shoes and clothes? Thanks, Diana Answer: Hi Diana. I have found a non-toxic stain remover that has worked extremely well for me. I had numerous stains on two white towels after taking a charcoal bath. They were inexpensive towels and I thought I will take a chance and see what happens on a much larger surface area as I was having good success on my kitchen towels, but they were just little stains. For a bath, I usually use black towels and black washcloths to get what I might have missed while rinsing off. Well it worked and now I am […]
Read MoreUsing Activated Charcoal to Brush Teeth with Crowns and Fillings
Using Activated Charcoal to Brush Teeth (crowns) Question on Crowns and brushing with charcoal: Hello, I need to know if someone has had work done in his or her mouth, such as bridges, crowns etc… can those persons use activated charcoal to whiten their teeth? Please let me know. Thank you, Serge Answer: Hi Serge. I have personally had crowns and white fillings on my teeth and I use the charcoal almost daily to whiten my teeth, no problems, just healthy and white teeth. 🙂 Make sure to also check out our other blog posts: Amazing results Brushing Teeth with Activated Charcoal Powder (Real Story) Q and A: Brushing Teeth with […]
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