Charcoal Baths and Soaks, how to

 I haven’t bought your book yet- but I was wondering about bathing in charcoal i cant find much info on it – tonight I tried a charcoal bath I poured…

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Q & A: Renewing Granulated Activated Charcoal

Charcoal question answered. Hi Buyactivatedcharcaol! I had a question on the granulated activated charcoal, the Pure Non-Scents as well as other granulated varieties. Q: Can they be washed to “renew” their absorption power? A: No. Q: I ask, as I have a couple Sharp Plasmaclusters, and they have a carbon filter which is washables, and the instructions say to wash it to “renew” it every couple months. I found that it indeed made it seem to work better after a washing. A: The washing may remove some film from the air, such as grease, that may have adhered to the activated charcoal, but you do not reactivate charcoal by washing […]

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Q and A: Using spent charcoal on your garden or grass

Charcoal question answered. Q: Hi Kimberly, I had a quick question on disposal of my used activated charcoal from my air purifier: Can I use the used granules in my garden or lawn? Would that provide any benefit or would it be a detriment to growth? I ask because I don’t know if used carbon is good for the garden (as it’s made of good stuff) or bad (because it may outgas all the bad stuff it had adsorbed over it’s use in the air purifier). Thanks for letting me know! —Alex A:  Hi Alex. You can for sure put your spent charcoal on your garden or grass, as there […]

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Activated Charcoal: Natural Odor Eliminator For Hunters

Charcoal question answered. Question: Hello, I try to keep my deer hunting clothes (most contain activated carbon) scent free by storing them in a scent free storage tote. Would your product, “Natural Odor Eliminator” help further eliminate or reduce odors if I placed a sachet of the product in my storage containers? If this product is helpful I would consider placing it in other containers that hold other gear I take in the woods such as a backpack, etc. Serious hunters, like myself, are overly concerned about keeping themselves; clothing and gear scent free. Some, if not all, would buy most anything that would provide an edge over a wary whitetail’s nose. […]

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Charcoal for Abscess – Real Stories – Uses

Real Stories Dear John and Kimberly, I have been using charcoal for my family for years.  I have your book and refer to it often.  I refer others to your website.  Charcoal has been such a blessing to my family!  I thought I would share a story of healing with it from this week. I am almost 50 and have always had good dental health.  But last week I had my first tooth abscess.  I used a charcoal poultice overnight on the abscess and also for several hours each day.  It has been one week and it looks to be completely healed!  I did also take turmeric and vitamin C […]

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Does charcoal adsorb nutrients or minerals?

Charcoal question answered. For those of you that are still concerned about whether activated charcoal will adsorb nutrients or minerals from your body, here is a quote from  David Cooney PhD (Chemical Engineering, University Wyoming  from his book ‘Activated Charcoal,  Antidote, Remedy, and Health Aid.’ “Charcoal added to the diet of sheep for six months did not cause a loss of nutrients, as compared with sheep not receiving charcoal. … 5 % of the total diet was charcoal. It did not affect the blood or urinary levels of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, inorganic phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, creatinine, uric acid, urea nitrogen, alkaline phosphatase, total protein or urine pH.” I […]

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Question: Charcoal and Iodine depletion in the body

Charcoal question answered. Q: Greetings Mr. Dinsley, I plan on using Activated Charcoal. While researching on the web I noticed some people who have bought or used Activated Charcoal were saying that if you use Activated Charcoal keep in mind that it will deplete your iodine. I was wondering if this is true?  If it is I would use Lugol’s Iodine if need be, but I just want to find out for sure. Thanks for your time, DeWayne A: Hello DeWayne Thank you for contacting us. Activated charcoal does adsorb Iodine (including radioactive Iodine from nuclear power plants). Iodine adsorption is used to measure the activity level of various activated charcoals. […]

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