Activated charcoal questions with information

Question’s I know nothing about A/C! I had a quick look on the net and it has a lot about face masks and dental info, but little on benefits and then I saw this site! Dumb questions: #1 How long do you take A/C capsules for?  #2 Can people with Gall bladders removed, take it? #3 Are there any precautions required or side effects I should be aware of in taking A/C capsules? #4 Recommended site to go to for info, other than face masks, dental info? Thank you in advance! – Julie Hi Julie! I will forward your questions to Kimberly. In the meantime, we have a LOT information […]

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Dogs, Chocolate and Charcoal

Dogs, Chocolate & Activated Charcoal Every year around the holidays there is a high demand for chocolate. We indulge in it, use it for baking and so forth, but although darker chocolates are being touted as health food for people, it is not healthy for dogs. Jill and her husband Jim, just stopped in at Charcoal House the other day to pick up stocking stuffers and she reminded us of how our activated charcoal saved the life of her Cairn Terror.  This little dog ate a huge dark chocolate bar that was 80% cacao. The darker the chocolate the more poisonous it is for dogs.  When Jill discovered what had happened to […]

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Activated charcoal for traveling & life’s little emergencies

Activated charcoal for life’s little emergencies The holidays are upon us and folks are traveling by land, air and sea in great numbers and I hope that they are taking their activated charcoal with them for life’s little emergencies and holiday tummy upsets! I actually do travel domestically and internationally with my charcoal powders but I know that this is not always convenient for some.  Plus I must admit that it concerns me that one of these times some dutiful security person will open up one of my charcoal jars and get it all over my suitcase and them.  It has never happened but it does cross my mind…… Anyway, if you don’t want […]

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Activated Charcoal Capsules, Life Saving?

Charcoal Capsules, A Real Life Saver! Snow bird, Marti, was down in Mexico in a quaint hotel escaping the harsh Minnesota winter.  One day while talking with Joel, the young man who worked at the front desk, she commented that he did not look well, which he adamantly confirmed. As he explained his symptoms she said “I bet you have food poisoning, I have some charcoal capsules for you to take, that will work,” but he said “no, all I have had so far today is a coke.” Marti was sure it was food poisoning so she ran upstairs, grabbed some Charcoal House activated charcoal capsules and handed them to […]

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Amalgam fillings, is activated charcoal safe to brush with?

Question: I have (amalgam) metal dental fillings in my teeth from the seventies. Is activated charcoal safe to brush with? ~Jermaine Answer: Yes, it is!  Activated charcoal can actually adsorb mercury and once it has adsorbed a toxin, it will not let it go unless it reaches extremely high temps, such as 600 or more degrees celsius. Also, activated charcoal powder, or at least our activated charcoal powder, such as the Detox & Cleanse (USP grade, made from organic coconut shell) or the Ultra Fine Culinary is less abrasive than the leading toothpastes, if that was your concern as well. The very best charcoal for brushing teeth that have mercury amalgams, […]

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Did a truck run over my charcoal pail?

What Happened? My pail of charcoal is damaged but not the package it came in. OK, it is that time of the year again when the weather outside gets frightful and the UPS trucks inside are NOT delightful! In other words, you might have ordered a pail of activated charcoal from us that we shipped you in a shiny, new strong plastic pail and it arrives looking like a truck ran over it! Thankfully a truck did not as you can see the box it came in is totally intact and you wonder about the folks at Charcoal House that would send you a dented pail!!! No, we did not […]

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Does Charcoal Adsorb Electrolytes?

Charcoal and Electrolytes Question:  I have diarrhea and am taking charcoal tablets to stop it.  I am going to try a charcoal poultice also.  I’m dehydrated and was wondering if the charcoal adsorbs electrolytes? I have found your site very informative and helpful, especially with the youtube instructions.  I also have your book. Thank you, Janet Answer: Hello Janet. The simple answer and good news is’no, the activated charcoal will not adsorb your electrolytes.’ Depending on how severe your diarrhea is, you might need to be taking more than just a few charcoal tablets. Taking a heaping tablespoon or more of the activated charcoal powder would be more in line to […]

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