Activated Charcoal for snake bites research

Charcoal question answered. Question: Activated Charcoal for snake bites Are you able to direct me to any professional references for this use? I use activated charcoal extensively but would like to see a reference or two. Thank you sincerely, Dr Frank Answer: Hello Dr Frank Thank you for contacting us. While we have numerous testimonies of the use of activated charcoal (AC) for poisonous snake bites, actual studies are strangely missing. I do have one in my book for cobra venom. The Complete Handbook p.122 In one experiment, one hundred times the lethal dose of Cobra venom was mixed with charcoal and injected into a laboratory animal. The animal […]

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Question: Is there a suggested time frame to space charcoal from other medicines?

Charcoal question answered. Question: Hi, Is there a suggested time frame to space charcoal from other medicines? I’m concerned about the impact the charcoal would have on the medicine in the digestive system at the same time. I’m a big believer in the benefits of charcoal but want to ensure it doesn’t detract from the full impact of necessary medicine. Thank you. Answer:  Hi, this is commonly asked question and a great concern to those that are taking meds. Activated charcoal is designed in such a way that it electrostatically attracts certain chemicals and micro-organisms. As a group, most compounds that are poisonous to the body are attracted to charcoal. […]

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Please send me your emails & share questions or testimonies. Feel free to share with us anything you would like us to share on the blog, if you do not want your name used or just prefer initials or something else just let us know. Thank you in advance.

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Charcoal Baths and Soaks, how to

 I haven’t bought your book yet- but I was wondering about bathing in charcoal i cant find much info on it – tonight I tried a charcoal bath I poured…

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Does charcoal adsorb nutrients or minerals?

Charcoal question answered. For those of you that are still concerned about whether activated charcoal will adsorb nutrients or minerals from your body, here is a quote from  David Cooney PhD (Chemical Engineering, University Wyoming  from his book ‘Activated Charcoal,  Antidote, Remedy, and Health Aid.’ “Charcoal added to the diet of sheep for six months did not cause a loss of nutrients, as compared with sheep not receiving charcoal. … 5 % of the total diet was charcoal. It did not affect the blood or urinary levels of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, inorganic phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, creatinine, uric acid, urea nitrogen, alkaline phosphatase, total protein or urine pH.” I […]

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Can Activated Charcoal be added to Baby Formula?

Charcoal question answered. Q: Hi, I had spoke to someone from your company about my sisters adopted meth baby. I wanted to know exactly how much she should put in the formula? And how often? I think the lady told me over the phone but I wanted to be sure. Also you suggested detox 1600 …so that’s ok to put in the formula for the baby? Sorry I’m asking again, I appreciate your help! Thank you, Sharon ____ A: Hi Sharon. Mixing the Detox with the baby’s formula is not a good idea, it is better to supplement with water. It is hard to say how much. As we mentioned […]

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