Questions on Charcoal baths and Soaks, how to and information.
Hi my name is Ryan i am from Ottawa Canada – I haven’t bought your book yet- but I was wondering about bathing in charcoal i cant find much info on it – tonight I tried a charcoal bath I poured a 1 pound bag of charcoal in the tub and sat in there for 30min – pretty messy but I think it felt pretty good – got a little freaked out thought maybe my heart was feeling a little stressed so i got out – wasn’t sure if this could potentially dislodge toxins from some of my organs and be too much too fast for my system and cause some damage – i know sometimes toxins are lodged in organs where they are safe until properly and slowly detoxified – ya was feeling quite a magnetic pull into my whole system – i saw a few accounts of using 1 cup of charcoal in a bath – maybe i went overboard – would toxins just come out of my skin or do you think you could pull too much out too fast ? any experiences with the baths? – also how is the best way to clear up brain fog with activated charcoal – i am quite sensitive to chemicals and have not had the cleanest lifestyle in the past – any protocols for feeling great cognitively – thanks a million – ps – that dude from the Philipines who cured everything with charcoal is really cool – found him in a google search that lead me to your site – but couldn’t find the link to his stories on your site – cheers…
Hi Ryan.
OK, lets start with your questions on the bath first.
Yes, we have testimonies on charcoal baths and yes, I have personally

experienced the ‘pulling’ as you aptly described as a magnetic pulling. I was using our
eye pad which I had steamed and then placed over my eyes just as I laid down in bed. I fell asleep and woke up and I could feel this pulling and can only describe it as a sensation of super fine streams such as lights, but your description of a magnetic pull is very good and a more apt description. At first it scared me and then I thought, hey, the charcoal is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing after all, which then brought a smile of satisfaction to my face.
I personally am not aware of any evidence that it could do damage to your organs for letting go of the toxins so quickly but it may make you feel quite strange and it would be wise to not use so much charcoal at one time. Here is an interesting testimony from a former Amish woman who is now of a strict order of Mennonites or Brethren who had a life long struggle with high blood pressure. A one hour bath soaking in one cup of activated charcoal powder brought her usually high blood pressure down to 120/80 which is very normal for most adults. Well she was not used to it being that low (normal) and it took three days to bring it up higher. So her conclusion was that she was going to only do a 1/2 cup of charcoal powder the next time, but there was going to be a next time for she was amazed and pleased at how well it worked. You can read her testimony in her words at
I also know of a man when in his late 30’s who had become paralyzed from chemo therapy from his waist down and he did charcoal soaks in very warm baths for an hour or two at a time every day and sometimes twice a day. He kept an ice bag on his head and he would drain the water as it cooled and added more hot water. He also commented on the pulling, but after about a month or more of doing the baths, he was walking again. He had a slight limp but he was OK with that. 🙂
I also met a young woman when we were in Australia and she had a brain tumor. She used charcoal poultices and the ‘pulling’ sensation was so strong that she stopped using the charcoal and used potato peals instead as it did pull, but not as powerfully. So the pulling sensation is for real, but I have found only when there is a lot of toxins, otherwise, most do not experience it. From my own personal experience I can say it did not hurt, but it felt ‘strange.’ I have more bath stories that I could share, but I hope this will suffice for now.
The best charcoal for baths is the
Hardwood Topical First Aid. This charcoal is a fine powder but not so very fine that it sticks to your skin and is hard to come off. After bathing in the hardwood charcoal, a quick shower will remove it quite easily especially if you’re using our
charcoal soap! 🙂 Hardwood activated charcoal is not only ideal for bathing but also for foot and hand soaks and
activated charcoal poultices. However, please note that all our charcoal powders that are listed under our
‘health’ section are all food grade, they can all be used internally and externally but as you start to use charcoal more and more you too will find your preferences. When people are just starting to learn about charcoal I highly recommend that they start with the book and the hardwood activated charcoal powder (
Here). In my humble opinion no first aid kit should be without a jar of charcoal powder. Also, once you read the book from, you will be so amazed and encouraged and will understand this mysterious black remedy so much better.
I too am quite sensitive to chemicals. In fact I lately discovered that this certain bran of ‘organic’ onion powder was giving not only me but my hubby as well very severe headaches shortly after we consumed it in a salad dressing I made. Obviously there is some not so natural chemical in it. Anyway, the best way that I have found to combat these type of headaches and brain fog is by taking activated charcoal not only as soon as I get a headache but on an almost daily basis which I do just before I go to bed, or if I forget at night, first thing in the morning. My favorite and I personally believe this is the best available for taking internally is the
Detox & Cleanse. It has helped me personally with not only brain fog and headaches but has made my
IBS symptoms disappear. Please note that I say that I take it on an ‘almost’ daily basis as I forget sometimes to take it and occasionally (rarely now days) I just fall off the wagon and hardly take it all for a couple of weeks. I usually get back on the wagon when I get hit with a no doubt chemically induced headache and back on I go. If I have been off for a few weeks I can honestly say that after I am back on it for a few days, I notice that my mind is much, much clearer. I have heard this from a few of our customers as well.
In regard to the man from the Philippines (
a retired professor and chairman of the Theology and Health Department of Mountain View College, Valencia City, Philippines) who has a lot of amazing charcoal stories, you can find his a number of his testimonies in our Charcoal Times Newsletter: (
Here) We also have a blog by the same name: and your letter will most likely appear in the near future. We will only use your first name. 🙂 As you know we also have an info only site where we sell only books but you can find a lot more testimonies there via the search box: (
I hope this helped. If you have more questions, please check out our
FAQ and you might find your answer there.
Kind regards, Kimberly
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