Storing Activated Charcoal Patches
(Made with Psyllium Husk Powder)
Charcoal Patches
How long will any leftovers keep?
Where do I store it?
Or should I make just enough? -Selena
When making the charcoal patch, you can store the patches for future use in your freezer of which we recommend using them up within three months.
However, if you want to store the gel which is now in the form of a putty, ideally you want to place it in a glass jar with a tight seal and place it in the fridge and it should easily keep for a week. The reason that I say to cover it well, such as a mason jar with the lid on tight is because the activated charcoal will adsorb the odors in the fridge if it is not covered up well and thus it will start using up its’ surface area as well as dry out the gel.
Outside of freezing a few patches to have on hand, I generally make mine as needed as I prefer a fresh patch or poultice.
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