Charcoal for infants & babies from one to a 100!
We are getting a lot of questions about using charcoal for colicky babies so even though we have shared much of this information before, we think it will be helpful to do a recap.
To start with we are sharing actual testimonials on using activated charcoal for colic as well as two of our educational videos. The first video will demonstrate making ‘gripe water,’ for baby colic with two simple ingredients! The other video is a demo on making a charcoal slurry for upset tummies for all ages, from one to 100. J
Using Activated Charcoal for Colic Testimonials
“My son Alonzo is now 2 months and his colic started 2 weeks after he was born. There were many long nights with very little sleep. It was exhausting, but now that I have purchased Colic Calm (Charcoal Gripe water), my baby boy is a very happy baby. I get plenty of rest with no more long hours of fussiness. I will tell everyone that I know about Colic Calm and recommend them to order it. Thank You!!!”
Norma O. Phoenix, AZ
“I just received my shipment of Colic Calm for my great grand son. He’s almost 3 months old and Colic Calm is a life saver. He has had a rough start in life to begin with. He had some health problems at birth but is doing ok in that area right now. He had colic very bad and my granddaughter was at her wits end and didn’t know what to try. Her doctor was of no help at all. He just told her to live with it and eventually it would go away. Easy for him to say. He wasn’t the one up all night with him. I would just like to say a big THANK YOU. This product is worth its weight in gold, and then some. Thanks again!!!!!”
Patricia T. Saginaw, MI
“Our baby Emma seems to be doing much better. Actually, only a few days after using the Colic Calm, she seemed to not show any more signs of colic. The only time she is really fussy now is if I eat spicy food that doesn’t agree with her. Thank you for your help.”
Dina J. Prescott Valley, AZ
“Dear Kimberly, thank you for sending me the Colic Calm which arrived safely and my baby loves. It is helping her so much with the acid reflux and it is lovely to see her smiling and giggling instead of screaming in pain.
Fiona, England
“Our son was born full term but shortly after birth he was diagnosed with a Phneumothorax (hole in the lung). He was admitted to the NICU where he received treatment for the condition. He left the NICU and headed home with a clean bill of health except for some digestion issues which the neonatologists felt would resolve on their own.
After bringing him home we knew something was still wrong as he cried excessively for hours on end, often all day long. We at first thought it was colic. At 4 weeks old he was diagnosed with being allergic to regular infant formulas and milk protein. We’ve tried every formula on the market and finally settled on one that “worked” the best for him after all others were ruled out. When he has particularly bad crying spells and is very uncomfortable we bring out the colic calm. Within 5 minutes he usually improves and is often smiling again. As soon as we administer it he quiets as he loves the taste of it! We consulted our pediatrician and even the pediatric nutritionist about using Colic Calm and both told us it was safe and OK to use. Our son does not have typical colic but we’ve quickly realized what a wonderful product Colic Calm is as it helps alleviate his discomfort that the allergic reaction causes him. Thank you Colic Calm for a product that really does work and thank you Kimberly for your top-notch customer service!”
Adam’s Mom, Minnesota
“As soon as I brought my baby boy home it all started, the constant crying, bringing his legs up in pain, and he would not sleep more than 1 hour straight. I was getting no sleep. My doctor said he had colic and that I should just wait the 3 months out and it will be better then. But I bought everything possible from special colic formula to special colic bottles. Nothing worked until I found Colic Calm.
My goodness what a product. I gave this to my son when he was about 6 weeks old. Pretty much straight away I noticed a difference. I was giving him the maximum dose recommended. He is now 3 months and I still give him the Colic Calm only one dose with his night bottle. It helps to bring his wind up more and I believe it really settles him. Colic Calm really got me through those tough weeks so thank you very much.”
Kristy, Australia
You can go read these testimonials on Charcoal here
- For more testimonials & information on using activated charcoal for babies for issues like jaundice, diarrhea, infection, reflux, poisoning & more go read here.
- More info on using activated charcoal for diarrhea & more go read here.
Easily make your own Gripe water for Colic
In the above testimonials these customers used Colic Calm, you can buy this product or easily make your own Gripe water with Detox 1600 Powder as shown in the below video: Activated Charcoal: A Natural Baby Colic Remedy
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/2 tsp Detox 1600 Powder USP grade
Make a Charcoal Slurry Drink with Activated Charcoal Powder (for all ages).
- 1 cup of water
- 2 tsp of Detox 1600 Powder USP
To see all our educational videos on our website go here.
Colic in Babies
Colic in babies may stem from a combination of factors, but the result is always the same – a very unhappy baby and very tired parents. Activated charcoal is a simple natural home remedy that quickly relieves colic and gas in infants, which is a great relief to parents.
It is not uncommon for newborn babies to go through periods when they appear abnormally irritable or seemingly cry for no reason. Common symptoms of colic include:
vigorous inconsolable crying for long periods
a daily pattern of crying, often after meal times, and usually ending as abruptly as they begin
signs of gas discomfort and abdominal bloating
a hard, distended stomach, with knees pulled to the chest, clenched fists, flailing arms and legs, and an arched back
frequent sleeplessness, irritability and fussiness.
Infantile colic is most common in the first few weeks to four months of an infant’s life and seldom persists past six months of age. The “Rule of Threes” says, a baby that cries for three or more hours per day, at least three times per week, within a three month period is most likely suffering from colic. About 25% of babies worldwide meet the official criteria for colic.
What causes infants to become colicky? There appear to be several contributing factors that, when occurring in combination, are likely to result in colic pain and discomfort:
Because the baby’s immature digestive system is just learning to function, the normal rhythmic movement of food is undeveloped. As well the normal bacterial flora that aids in digestion is lacking. Thankfully, within six months, most infants outgrow these handicaps.
Certain foods eaten by nursing mothers may contain chemicals or allergens that can trigger colic discomfort and digestive upset. When nursing, trace elements from gas producing foods may be passed via breast milk to the baby and cause gas and bloating.
Infants often swallow air while feeding or during strenuous crying, which increases gas and bloating.
Since an infant’s nervous system is also so immature, they can quickly become “stressed” with sights and sounds. Generally, the more activity (errands, visitors, TV, phones, etc.) in the baby’s day, the higher the incidence of irritability and colic.
Keeping the home life quiet and simple and the foods simple, with few varieties at the same meal, will go a long way in avoiding the distress on everyone of a colicky baby. But should the need arise, activated charcoal is a wonderfully simple home remedy that can bring relief to all.
To purchase our food grade activated charcoal products:
- Powders
- Detox 1600 Powder (used in videos).
- Capsules
- Tablets
- For Babies
- Our Products on Amazon
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