C-Pain Patches are no longer available for sale, Please see our Charcoal Patches page on our website for possible alternatives.
Pain Relief.
Below is an email we received from Sharon who suffers daily with physical pain and has found relief with the charcoal patches and I thought our readers might be interested in her experience with activated charcoal as a pain patch.
From Sharon
Hi, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful products you have as I am one of the people that do not know what I would do without the c-patches. I have a spine that is bad from my neck to the very last disc in my low spine, and have had many neurosurgeons tell me they do not know how I stand the pain.
I am not in a wheel chair and keep fighting but I honestly know that the morphine they have me taking would not work if it was not for the charcoal patches I get from you as they stop the excruciating pain that the pills do not touch. There are times when I can’t fight the tears and my husband gets out the patches and says where is the spot that
is making you cry. That happened today and Thank God the patch did the job it always does. Nothing takes the pain completely away but since I found out about your products I have hope now I can keep fighting.

is making you cry. That happened today and Thank God the patch did the job it always does. Nothing takes the pain completely away but since I found out about your products I have hope now I can keep fighting.
I am on oxygen and if given a general 4 doctors have told me I will die on the operating table. I have lupus and many other illnesses too and have used your charcoal powder and flaxseed to make a poultice to help with some of the areas that break out and also areas that arthritis gets real bad.
Thank You for not lying to people and actually selling a product that works. Only God keeps me going, but he must have told me about your products when I was saying God what can I do, I hurt so bad today?
Thank you Sharon for taking the time to share with us your experience with activated charcoal as a pain reliever. I am sure that there are a lot of readers who struggle with debilitating pain or know someone who does.

The charcoal patches are very convenient especially when you are sick or disabled, but please take note that you can make your own and even make several ahead of time to have on hand as needed. Video ‘How To Make A Charcoal Patch.’ Another of our videos is how to make a ‘Charcoal Poultice,‘ similar, but the difference is that the poultice has more charcoal in it, is bulkier and does not apply directly to the skin, there is a piece of paper or cloth between the skin and the charcoal.
Anyone else that has a charcoal story to share, this is the venue to do it, we would love to hear from you!
You can also buy the C-Patch from us on Amazon here (affiliate)

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