Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This?

Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This? Activated Charcoal Newsletter: 1000 applications today, a 1001 tomorrow!  This quote from the book has certainly come true. Activated Charcoal is now having its day in the sun, where many companies and entrepreneurs are seeing the value of this humble remedy, which is truly super natural.   YOU’LL FIND WHAT YOU NEED HERE! From facial masks, toothpaste, tooth powder, acne cream and soaps, from capsules, to tablets and detox drinks and juices. Why all this sudden attention?  Not only is activated charcoal a super natural remedy, it actually works super well! And oftentimes it works quite quickly such as a quick remedy for an upset tummy for a colicky baby or perhaps […]

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Reply from Wendy on using Charcoal for her MCS

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) We got this great comment from Wendy about how she uses Activated charcoal for her MCS. She commented on our other blog post Using the Activated Carbon Cloth as exercise mat to protect from MCS. Thank you Wendy for sharing. Just a reminder to readers this is for information purposes please consult a Doctor. Hi, I’m just a person whom came across this post, as I have MCS as well. Love to hear how this fabric helps you out in your situation. A few things I have found highly beneficial as well… Taking Activated charcoal internally before and after exposure. As well as pure ~ the […]

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Q and A: Using Activated Charcoal for Kidney Disease, Pain, Infection and more

Question: Hi, do you have any information/links on using activated charcoal for kidney health, kidney disease, pain in kidney’s, kidney infection & other issues with kidney’s? -David Answer:  Hi David. You can find charcoal testimonies for kidneys on our site charcoalremedies such as this one on kidney disease. Here is Dr. Clark’s testimony of a patient he had with Diabetes & Kidney Failure. Here is an interesting testimony on kidney disease (and other ailments) from elderly man who reversed his stage 4 kidney disease and took his GFR (a test to ascertain your kidney function) from 27 (not good) to 42 in a few short months. Buchu leaf tea is also extremely […]

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Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with Activated Charcoal (Real Story)

Testimonial on using Activated Charcoal for IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome) My elderly mom (81 years) was struggling from IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome) caused by chronic medication side effects. She had a scope and a scan – Specialists and her GP could not help her acute pain and suffering. After almost 8 months as a last resort, we thought what about trying Activated Charcoal. I’d used it mainly for runny tummies, or poultices for bites or abscesses. We gave my mom 5ml [1 tsp] charcoal powder in a glass of water and within a day she had relief – no gas, no pain! Her bowel movements normalized and for the first […]

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Kind words from a Customer, Activated charcoal helped MCS and EHS

We love hearing from our customers. And love it even more when they send us emails on how pleased they are. Kind words from a customer who Kimberly helped out. Hi friends, I want to give a heads up to anyone using or considering the use of activated charcoal. First of all, the people working for Charcoal House are very well informed and the customer service is excellent. Big thank you for that. After just about a week of using detox 1600 I passed a lot of mucus and “sludge” with bowel movements. After couple months more, I realized my body was flexible again. My muscles no longer felt as […]

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Q and A: Information on Using Activated Charcoal for Snake Bites

Hi Mr. John Dinsley, I enjoyed your book, videos, and spent hours going thru your website.  Your information has thus far been the most informative, best researched, and most logical of all sites I have scoured thru pertaining to activated charcoal. I have spent numerous hours googling medical journals, clinical trials, and websites on this subject. My name is Dawn.  I am a California native, world traveler, now residing in South Africa.  I have used activated charcoal for many years for food poisoning and other travel related issues…  But I only recently learned it treats snake bites.  I was prompted to research antidotes due to my environment. Within the last […]

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Black Gold Brings Healing to African Prisoners (Activated Charcoal)

Black Gold Brings Healing to African PrisonersBy Carolynn & Keith Jones Carolyn and Keith are the directors and on-the-ground missionaries for Hands Across Nations (HAN) in northern Uganda. They have become great enthusiasts of charcoal on several fronts, including for themselves (wound infections, malaria, typhoid…) animals, as a soil enhancer, as an ingredient of homemade acetylene for welding, and recently, as part of their literacy program. In an attempt to teach many refugees returning from the Sudan how to read and write in the native language, they began a simple program teaching people how to read and write by learning to read the Bible. As one enthusiastic Muslim man exclaimed, […]

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