Question: Hi Kimberly! We need AC to blend in with our alkaline water products, so the powder has to be easily resolved in water. What kind of AC powder do you recommend to use in such products? What defines the charcoal to be used in such products? Kindly regards, Pablo Answer: Hi Pablo. Activated charcoal is not soluble, meaning that it does not dissolve in water (even though it looks like it when well mixed) it is only suspended, which means that it will eventually sink to the bottom of the cup or jar. Our Coconut Activated Charcoal Ultra Fine Powder can be purchased in larger amounts and is the most popular […]
Read MoreCategory: Nutrition
Are you worried about using activated charcoal & it adsorbing the nutrition you need, supplements etc? then check here
Does Charcoal Adsorb Nutrients, etc….
Does taking charcoal adsorb Nutrients……etc. Question: Howdy….Wanted to get your opinion on this because I didn’t see anything on your site. If the following statement is correct, do you recommend taking a nutritional shake of some sort an hour after taking the Charcoal to replenish what was taken out? Thank you for any clarity on this subject. For a long time there has been some difference of opinion as to whether or not charcoal will adsorb necessary nutrients as well as poisons. Dr. Holt states: “It is now very clear that activated charcoal will adsorb not only poisons but also vitamins, digestive enzymes, amino acids, and other valuable nutrients from the gut. Such […]
Read MoreActivated charcoal to remove Fungus from the body
Using Activated charcoal to remove Fungus, Candida, Mold from the body. Fungus Question: What about mold in the body? Will Activated Charcoal remove mold (fungus) from the body? – Pamela Answer: Hi Pamela. Activated charcoal is anti fungal and anti bacterial. Mold is a fungus and when referring to the external body we often refer to it as a skin fungus and the most common internal fungal condition that plagues humankind is known as candida. I am going to assume that you are referring to candida? On our info website,, you will find an article from the book Charcoal ‘The Complete Handbook of Medicinal Charcoal and Its Applications‘, […]
Read MoreQ & A: Incorporating using Charcoal with Supplements
Question: Hi I have recently had surgery. A lot of my issues were taken care of with the surgery. However, I was also diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. My body is used to being inflamed. I’m taking a lot of supplements to help repair my insides. I enjoy the results I get from charcoal, but have a hard time being able to fit it in so it doesn’t negate my other supplements. I was wondering if the patch or soap may be easier to incorporate? Thanks Ronna Answer: Hi Ronna The poultices or the patches would be very beneficial and you might be surprised how quickly your surgical wound will heal […]
Read MoreDoes charcoal adsorb nutrients or minerals?
Charcoal question answered. For those of you that are still concerned about whether activated charcoal will adsorb nutrients or minerals from your body, here is a quote from David Cooney PhD (Chemical Engineering, University Wyoming from his book ‘Activated Charcoal, Antidote, Remedy, and Health Aid.’ “Charcoal added to the diet of sheep for six months did not cause a loss of nutrients, as compared with sheep not receiving charcoal. … 5 % of the total diet was charcoal. It did not affect the blood or urinary levels of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, inorganic phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, creatinine, uric acid, urea nitrogen, alkaline phosphatase, total protein or urine pH.” I […]
Read MoreQuestion: Charcoal and Iodine depletion in the body
Charcoal question answered. Q: Greetings Mr. Dinsley, I plan on using Activated Charcoal. While researching on the web I noticed some people who have bought or used Activated Charcoal were saying that if you use Activated Charcoal keep in mind that it will deplete your iodine. I was wondering if this is true? If it is I would use Lugol’s Iodine if need be, but I just want to find out for sure. Thanks for your time, DeWayne A: Hello DeWayne Thank you for contacting us. Activated charcoal does adsorb Iodine (including radioactive Iodine from nuclear power plants). Iodine adsorption is used to measure the activity level of various activated charcoals. […]
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