Today we are leaving for Sheridan, a picturesque town in Northern Wyoming. John will be doing a weekend of programs on health and on Saturday night the emphasis will be entirely on activated charcoal. As John gives his very interesting presentation of the many uses of
activated charcoal, I will interject some amazing testimonies and then we will wrap up the evening with demos on making charcoal poultices and charcoal patches, yes, there is a difference and if you’re in the area, grab a friend and come find out!

I was talking earlier this week with a customer that is a MAJOR activated charcoal enthusiast and as we swapped stories, he shared with me one that knocked my socks off, so I am going to now share with it you and see your reaction.
After I had shared with Tom about the woman that was drinking eight glasses a day of the Detox and Cleanse (1 tsp in at least 8 oz of water) and after two days the headaches from her brain tumors were gone, he said that he had a friend that had prostate cancer and he drank 10 glasses of activated charcoal mixed in water, daily, and now is 100% cancer free! That was pretty amazing. I know someone is going to write and ask how long did he do it, you know, I plum forgot to ask. For me that is not a question to ask, you just do it till you ‘know,’ it is gone. In fact, let me add this: it is always wise, when you are dealing with something quite serious, to continue the charcoal protocol you are doing, for at least a month, after all symptoms disappear and of course, check the results with your family healthy care provider.

Also, since activated charcoal can be such an amazing detox, IT WILL MOST LIKELY ADSORB YOUR PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS, SO ALWAYS CHECK WITH A DOCTOR AND OR PHARMACIST FIRST BEFORE TAKING. This is just good and practical common sense, and of course, remember, we are not medical professionals, we are just sharing anecdotal remedies for your reading enjoyment and research.
Let us know what you think of the above charcoal story and subscribe to our newsletter for program updates, in case we come to a town near you. The programs are free and there will be time for questions and answers and for visiting one on one after the programs.
We hope to see meet you someday!