Real quick, I wanted to drop you a line and tell you I’m seeing results with using charcoal poultices (patches you call them) on mine eyes. My vision has declined very rapidly, where I’m embarrassed, though my print is larger than most, can barely (or not able) read the scriptures. I have to have natural or VERY bright light to read. Last night, I opened my bible, and read an entire chapter to our son in light that I couldn’t do for so long!!!! I’ve not gone in to receive glasses, for I refused to, knowing the result, but hoping that somehow some way my sight shall improve. Though my intention was for a different outcome, my eyes are changing colour(s), the whites as well, and my eye-sight is improving!! Just wanted to pass it along. Now I’m waiting till all the words in His Word, are clear as can be. I cannot wait! Our son is impressed!!! Yes, I do mine straight on, no dry stuff. I’ll keep you updated later, if our King shall be a while yet and we are still able to contact. [there are several details left out]

Thank you so much Wendy, for sharing, it is always a pleasure to hear from you and I am sure that you will encourage many who also have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities! 🙂 Kimberly
Dear Kimberly,
I do use psyllium husk powder in my poultices, not flax. I find that the psyllium holds well, and is a great deal easier on clean up. Also much easier to work with. As far as extra AC that I use in the first step of mixing water and AC before adding binder, it would be about the amount of each TBSP being a packed heaping TBSP, other times I just add an extra TBSP depending on the quantity of the mixture needed at that time.
Well, my eyes changing colours is difficult to describe. The ‘whites’ of the eyes were turning hints of different colours…like gray, blue, etc., they were tints…I do have a great deal of heavy metal in my brain from very high exposure in womb. So I’m guessing it has had something to do with that. Yes, slowly the ‘whites’ of my eyes have become a more clear vibrant white. The brownish colour throughout the blue section of my eyes have become less brown and more blue/green. From study previously, toxicity can be monitored by looking at how much ‘brown’ is mixed in with the blue/green.
So thankful, Kimberly for all your patience in answering many questions that I have had. A blessing you are!!
Shalom be unto your home,
Dear Kimberly,
Thank you so much for making Activated Charcoal available to so many. How we need it.
Regarding my eye poultices, since synthetic chemicals and plastics are a challenge, through experimentation, I have found wonderful and fantastic alternatives.
One: I do add a little more charcoal to my poultice mixture which creates a thicker like sticky dough. This is so I can work with it with my hands and/or a round glass jar for a ‘rolling-pin’. Before handling charcoal mixture, I dab my hands with a little water, makes it so I can work with it with ease. Whenever needed I just wash up with a little soap, water, and a nail brush…comes right off.
Two: With a glass round canning jar, I may roll out poultice on backing. Sometimes I just use my hands and fingers pressing it upon my backing. Getting the jar barely wet…it will glide across the black poultice mixture…into the shape I desire.
Three: For backing I use *’If You Care – natural home gloves’ that received a hole or two in them. I cut those up for backings. They keep moisture in while I do not react to them either. *I also use high count organic cotton barrier fabric (these are usually used on mattresses to keep dust mites out etc.). These have held up beautifully!!! When washing them, I let them soak in a little water first, then scrape off poultice and clean up with nail brush. Sometimes the poultice goes right on this fabric, or the fabric is used behind the rubber glove material to help keep moisture locked in. *At times for a disposable poultice backing I use ‘If You Care ~ sandwich wooden bags’. Cutting them open flat works is the easiest to work with.
Four: To wrap and assist holding poultice in place, I use fabric ace bandages made at home. Using old T-shirts or turtle necks, I cut the fabric in lengths and sewed them together to make long strips (double layer works best for re-folding them with ease). Then all it takes is serging the ends/sides. These work far greater/better than any synthetic ace bandage I have ever used! The breathe beautifully, yet are quite comfortable and washing through washing machine is not an issue, nor drying. I’m still using my original ones for many years now and I use them on a regular basis. No synthetic ace bandage can do that.:)
I hope sharing what I do, may encourage someone with MCS or similar conditions to know that there are alternatives that work wonderfully well as natural backings and wraps for poultices.
Blessings of joy be given unto you in large portion this day,