Q and A: How to remove charcoal from shoes and clothes?

Question: What can I use to get charcoal off my shoes and clothes? Thanks, Diana Answer:  Hi Diana. I have found a non-toxic stain remover that has worked extremely well for me. I had numerous stains on two white towels after taking a charcoal bath. They were inexpensive towels and I thought I will take a chance and see what happens on a much larger surface area as I was having good success on my kitchen towels, but they were just little stains.  For a bath, I usually use black towels and black washcloths to get what I might have missed while rinsing off. Well it worked and now I am […]

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Q and A: Using Pure NonScents to keep Hunting Clothing Odor Free

Hello, I recently ordered the 4 lb jug of the pure non scents activated charcoal to use in my weatherproof storage bins I put my hunting clothing in for scent control.  I ordered extra mesh bags and I have filled between 2-4 mesh bags per container (3/4 of the way full to allow for more movement of the charcoal and contact with air).  I was wondering how long these could be considered effective for?  In other words, how often should I empty the bags and fill them with fresh charcoal. Thanks, Great product.  I have recommended it to many of my hunting buddies and they have all placed orders as […]

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