Summer is here! Barbecues, picnics, hikes, swimming, and bug bites. Be sure to have your charcoal handy, it should be in all your first aide kits. Our
charcoal salve either in a stick or tin is ideal to have on you ‘as soon as you notice you are bitten.’ The charcoal will adsorb the toxin before it has a chance to get into your blood stream. Remember, you can use too little of charcoal salve, but you cannot use too much, be generous when applying to nasty bites.

We recently had a call from a woman who wanted to share about her brother-n-law who is a bee keeper, who had his full bee keeping garb on, however, the bees got angry and he got seriously attacked on his neck.

Aside from being in a lot of pain, he started to have an anaphylactic reaction. His neighbor was on the scene and she ran home and quickly made a charcoal poultice while the hospital was called to inform them of the emergency and that they were on their way.
The neighbor got the poultices on and wrapped and then off they raced him to the hospital which was a good 40 minutes. By the time he was seen by the medical staff, he was completely calm, no anaplylactic symptoms and the doctor said there was no need to treat him!
This is why you need to have your activated charcoal handy at all times!