Question: Charcoal and Iodine depletion in the body

Charcoal question answered. Q: Greetings Mr. Dinsley, I plan on using Activated Charcoal. While researching on the web I noticed some people who have bought or used Activated Charcoal were saying that if you use Activated Charcoal keep in mind that it will deplete your iodine. I was wondering if this is true?  If it is I would use Lugol’s Iodine if need be, but I just want to find out for sure. Thanks for your time, DeWayne A: Hello DeWayne Thank you for contacting us. Activated charcoal does adsorb Iodine (including radioactive Iodine from nuclear power plants). Iodine adsorption is used to measure the activity level of various activated charcoals. […]

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God’s Humble Doctor…..

Most people know that charcoal is used for cooking. Did you also know charcoal is used on the International Space Station to purify water and air so it can be used over and over? Did you know charcoal is used to purify the air in nuclear submarines that travel for months under the water in the deepest oceans? How many people know charcoal is also used to treat sickness? Yes, charcoal is used in the most modern hospitals in the world to treat different health problems. Read more about how charcoal is used in ways you may not know by going here & reading the article Charcoal – Gods Humble Doctor

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How to make an Activated Charcoal Facial Mask for Skin Care (DIY)

DIY Charcoal Face Mask, So Easy & The Results Are Amazing! Making a charcoal face mask is so easy and the results can be amazing. Activated charcoal adsorbs many times its own weight in impurities and because of this, it is the perfect way to deeply cleanse your skin naturally. A charcoal facial mask purifies by drawing out toxins from deep tissue, often bringing relief to a myriad of chronic skin issues, such as acne, rashes, hives, boils, skin abscesses, scars, and insect bites, minor burns and wounds and so much more.   You can easily make your own DIY facial mask within minutes. Hi, I am Cheree of Natural […]

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John Dinsley on “The Power Hour” Using Activated Charcoal…..

Yesterday morning John & I were on The Power Hour talking about how Amazing Activated charcoal is. The segment can be heard here starting at about 8 minutes & 20 seconds. TUESDAY – AUGUST 5, 2014: Do you have activated charcoal in your medicine cabinet or stocked away in your preps? This is a must have addition to any home as it can save your life or the lives of your loved ones including your pets! Charcoal expert JOHN DINSLEY will share what activated charcoal is and how it can be used to treat many different problems from bee stings and spider bites to poisonings and toxins in your system. For more […]

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Lets Share, Activated Charcoal & You

Activated Charcoal, Lets get Started!! Welcome to our Blog, this is the perfect way to find information on how other use Activated Charcoal & to share your stories  with us. Find out more than you ever thought you could about Activated Charcoal. This site is for information purposes. When folks who have just learned about charcoal call me and start asking all kinds of questions about activated charcoal, what it is, how is it made, what does it taste like, what is a poultice, I always give them the same answer, similar to what Maria, in ‘The Sound of Music,’ gave the children when she taught them the musical notes, […]

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